Strings are useful for holding data that can be represented in text form. You are use single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" ") to wrap a string literal. In Es6 you create a template literal by wrapping your text in back ticks
let simple = `This is your text `;
// eg. 01
let firstName ='Pradeep', lastName= 'Bhosle';
let fullName = `Hi your firstname is ${firstName} and last name is ${lastName}`;
// Output: Hi your firstname is Pradeep and last name is Bhosle
JavaScript String Method
- charAt(2): Its return the character at the "2" position with in the string.
let myName = "Pradeep Bhosle"; // 0P 1r 2a console.log(myName.chrAt(2)); // Output: a
- concat(a1,a2): Combines one or more string and return the concatenate string.
let a1 = "Pradeep Bhosle"; let a2 = " Is Working on JavaScript."; let c = a1.concat(a2); console.log(); // Output: Pradeep Bhosle Is Working on JavaScript.
- indexOf(substr, [start_from]):returns the index number of the searched character within the string. If not found, it will return -1
let text1 = "Hi, this is first para"; let text2 = text1.indexOf("is"); console.log(text2); // Output: 6; let text1 = "Hi, this is first para"; let text2 = text1.indexOf("of"); // of is not present on string. console.log(text2); // Output: -1;
- lastindexOf(substr, [start_from]):returns the index number of the searched character within the string. This method will return the index of the last occurrence of a specified text in a string
let myPrintvalue = 'javascript Node.js'; console.log(myString.lastIndexOf('N')); //output: 11
- slice(substr, [end]):This method returns a sub string of the string based on the "start" and "end" index , it will not include the "end" index itself. "End" argument is optional, and if none is specified, the slice includes all characters from "start" to end of string.
let text="programming" var mystr= text.slice(0,4) console.log(mystr) //Output:- "prog" // toLowerCase() text.toLowerCase();
//toUpperCase() text
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